Sunday, 20 January 2019

Beeston Players

I`m posting this rather belatedly, to say the least.

However, last November, self, spouse and offspring took ourselves to Beeston, Nottingham to see this rather fine production of Murder Weapon.

Obviously, a review this long after the event would be ridiculous, but I can say that all of us thoroughly enjoyed it and subject to practicalities (we live in Derbyshire) intend to partake of the pleasures offered by the Beeston players again.

A small group, they put on two productions a year, normally one comedy and one thriller. It`s hardly cutting edge stuff, but I probably wouldn`t like it if it was. 

I for one would rather see a group of locally-based amateurs who put their heart into it than pay big money to see a big star. But that`s just me.