Saturday 17 March 2018

Ghost Sign - Neville`s Garage - Nottinghamshire - North Notts

This ghost sign appears on the side of a private house on the road between Langley Mill and Eastwood (North Nottinghamshire). 

It`s size and position means it is very apparent to motorist driving along that road, but sadly it`s not so easy to get a decent picture of it.

As you might be able to tell, it advertises a business called Nevilles` Garage, which it describes as being, IIRC, a mile further along the road. 

I`ve only come across one other photo of it, which was posted on Flickr by someone called Claire, who had the good sense to take her shot from the other side of the road at a time when there was little traffic about. 

It is captioned `Neville`s Garage, Eastwood` .

It would be interesting to know whether the eponymous Neville lived there at some point and saw a chance to plug his business, or whether he perhaps paid someone to have his sign on the outside of their home. 

If anyone knows, get in touch. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Neville`s Garage dated back to 1924 when they also ran the taxi service in Eastwood not to mention owning the local ambulance and fire engine . The firm existed for many years but I don`t know when it went out of business . Neville`s Garage in Mansfield may have had a connection but I`m not sure .

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  4. I have a photo of Neville's Garage taken in 1931:
