Sunday 1 September 2019

Fergus Hume -Professor Brankels` Secret

Fergus Hume - Professor Brankel`s Secret

This was the follow-up to Fergus Humes` first novel The Mystery of a Hansom cab.

It is very different to his detective stories, being in every way a 19th century Gothic novel. Some would say it is rather derivative, perhaps too heavily influenced by some of the better-known works in that genre. Perhaps it is, but I don`t really care about that !

The eponymous Professor, described at one point as looking "the incarnation of an arch fiend - a modern Mephistopheles", seeks "the heart blood of a pure maiden" - you will need to read the book to find out why - reconciling himself to his grisly mission with the thought that "the killing of a person in the case of science is no murder". He is just a touch obsessional !

In pursuit of this goal he is soon producing "a long steel knife, the edge of which he felt with a hideous smile". The young woman he has selected seems rather reluctant to participate, despite his promise that "you will have a short life but an eternal fame.". Perhaps she sees no point in eternal fame if she will not be around to enjoy it, but in any event her response as he advances "with a vacant smile" is to throw a bottle at him.

To avoid spoiling the tale for potential readers, I shall just point out that you should know by now whether this is your sort of thing or not. 

Clearly it is whole-heartedly gothic and just a little bit over the top. I personally enjoyed it immensely !

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